For years, Aschenez has made continuous innovation its goal: new technologies,
new expressive languages, new market frontiers.
Nevertheless, the road has just begun.
For years, Aschenez has made continuous innovation its goal: new technologies, new expressive languages, new market frontiers.
Nevertheless, the road has just begun.
Aschenez Shipyards are the place where the experience of those who have been capable of creating worldwide excellence in boating is perpetuated. Here, the knowledge of craftsmen meets the most exquisite technique; tradition marries the visionary ability to imagine ever new horizons for boats and owners.
We have always sought the perfect synthesis between beauty and usability of products; the intense emotion of living in a comfortable space, completely immersed in the natural scenery, generates the Invictus spirit.
We were born looking for the horizon. The tides have caressed our roots, the strength of the winds has shaped our soul and fueled our most ambitious dreams.
You become a child again, when you see a boat darting into the sea; you imagine the bow challenging the waves, you are amazed that it is so light on the water. All this wonder never ends, because in Aschenez we have the privilege of realizing each of our dreams, and each of our owners’ dreams.
“We work to give shape to the wishes of our owners,
giving life to the luxury of tomorrow.
In Aschenez we plan the future.”
“We work to give shape to the wishes of our owners, giving life to the luxury of tomorrow. In Aschenez we plan the future.”
Rosario Alcaro
General Manager Aschenez